Comprehensive and Individualized Weight Loss Plans
Are you tired of the endless weight loss/weight gain roller coaster? Is “calories in/calories out” just not working for you? At LaBellaRX, we understand there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to weight loss. Aging, hormonal changes, and mental stress can all be contributing factors preventing you from shedding those pounds.
Our weight loss program includes medical review, body composition assessment, weekly check-ins, InBody weigh ins, and patient support. There are multiple FDA approved medications used for weight loss are available depending on your medical assessment and insurance coverage.
When you schedule a consultation, our nurse practitioner, Jazz will customize a plan with your health and wellness as a priority to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Throughout the course of the program, we will identify the root cause of your weight gain and give you the steps needed to lose weight and develop a healthy lifestyle. Our program is comprehensive and individualized based upon your weight loss needs, co-morbidities, age, family history, and the availability or cost of certain medications, which may include:
Book your appointment today and start living your best life—because nothing looks as good as healthy feels.